In Oslo, Norway and thinking about taking the train to Flam? This guide will go over how to take two of Norway’s most scenic railways to get from Oslo to Flam, and my memorable journey on this rail adventure so you know what to expect.
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Norway’s beautiful and dramatic landscapes can be best experienced on a scenic train adventure. If you need to get from Norway’s capital of Oslo to the fjord village of Flam, then consider taking two iconic train routes: the Bergen Railway (Bergensbanen) and the Flam Railway (Flamsbana). This journey is a breathtaking experience where you travel pass fjords, mountains, waterfalls, and deep valleys. I’ll go over my journey when taking each railway’s train from Oslo to Flam, so you know what to expect!
It’s important to note that there is no direct train route from Oslo to Flam. You will need to take two trains, with one train transfer at the Myrdal Train Station where you need to get off the Bergen Train and board the Flam Train.
How to Buy Train Tickets from Oslo to Flam
To get from Oslo to Flam, you will need to take two trains, meaning you need to purchase two train tickets. The best way to go about this is to purchase them online ahead of time. That way you don’t have to worry day-of and you can just board the train upon arrival at the station.
You can book both tickets for the Oslo to Flam routes on the official Norway train vy.no site. On this site, simply enter in the From: “Oslo S” & To: “Flam Stasjon”, your travel date, and how many persons. A long list of transport options will appear so you will have to filter it to get the appropriate train routes.
To filter the list down to the Bergen Railway (F4) and Flam Railway (R45), then simply click the “Train” filter/image above the list. The leftover rides will consist of three times: a morning 8:25 AM departure, an afternoon 2:25 PM departure, and an overnight 23:03 PM departure. Assuming you want to see the beautiful landscapes along the journey then select one of the daytime departures. I chose the 8:25 AM departure and it was the perfect time to fit in afternoon activities in Flam.
Bergen Railway Ticket Options
Once you select your desired departure time, there are then three ticket options to choose from for the first train, Bergen Railway “Oslo S – Flam Stasjon”: Non-Flexible, Flexible, and Fully Flexible. If you want to choose your own seat then the Flexible and Fully Flexible options allow seat and car selection. The Non-Flexible ticket will reserve a seat but will also auto-select a seat location for you.
Bergen Railway Seat Preference
On the next screen, you are able to select your seat if you chose either the Flexible or Fully Flexible ticket class. At first, the site will automatically select the Car and Seat but click “Change Seat” if you want to choose your own seat location.
If you’re trying to figure out the best side to sit on in the Bergensbanen train from Oslo to Myrdal, then I recommend sitting on the left-hand side for slightly better views. However, you really can’t go wrong with either side as they both provide beautiful views. I had sat on the right-hand side and still saw grand valleys, pretty lakes, and tree-covered mountains. And the left-hand side seemed to have a bit of a better view where I found myself looking out towards that side a lot.
Flam Railway Ticket Options
The Flam Railway route “Myrdal Stasjon – Flam Stasjon” does not allow seat reservation since the train is open seating. So simply click “Choose” and proceed with the order.
Flam Railway Seat Preference
As mentioned, the Flamsbana train does not allow seat reservation and is open seating only. To see some amazing views along the Flam Railway journey then I recommend sitting on the left-hand side. As a note, the forward direction of the train will go back down the hill, so the left-hand side of the train will be the opposite side of where you enter the train.
If you can, try getting a window seat so you can take advantage of the openable window (if it’s not too cold outside). I wasn’t able to get one of these openable windows but some people who were at these window seats were poking their camera phones out of it to take some truly unobstructed photos of the views. If you plan to do this, I recommend AT LEAST getting a phone lanyard/tether attached to your phone. I always have this one on my phone and attached around my wrist. It gives me peace of mind knowing that I won’t lose my phone in any situation where it can drop (or fly) out of my hands. It’s just better safe than sorry, is all.
Next, I’ll go over the two-part journey taking these two scenic trains from Oslo to Flam!
Part 1: The Bergen Railway – Oslo to Myrdal
The first leg of the journey is to take the Bergen Railway (Bergensbanen) from Oslo to Myrdal. The Bergen Railway is known to be one of the most scenic rail journeys in the world! The train ride from Oslo to Myrdal takes about 5 hours. So bring some books or charge your devices for the journey!
Oslo Central Train Station
You will board the Bergensbanen train at the Oslo Central Station. When you enter the train station, head to the larger hall area where there will be a GIANT board of all the train departures. It’s really hard to miss it once you’re in the main hall. I had arrived a bit early and waited at the Starbucks located up the escalator right across from this boards so I can keep an eye on it. I enjoyed some tea until the Bergen Railway was 30 minutes until departure. On the board, the Bergen Railway will not be explicitly called this but will appear as heading to “Bergen”. It will also state the train number “F4”, departure time “8:25 AM”, and which train track/platform it will be at.
Then 30 minutes before my scheduled departure time, I headed to the train platform where the train was already boarding passengers. Because of this, if you have large or a lot of luggage, it’s best to arrive at the train platform about 35-45 minutes before the departure time to secure a spot for your luggage. Since I was “backpacking”, I only needed to store a large backpack, which easily fit on top of others’ hard case luggage in the luggage storage area.

Oslo Central Train Station • photos by Jeanie A
Bergen Train
When boarding the train, look at each car entrance for your designated Car and Seat number. My seat was located on Car 4. As mentioned, if you’re traveling with luggage then it’s best to get to your platform early, about 35-45 min before departure so you can store your luggage in your car. Those who arrived a bit later had to store their luggage in another car which seemed to be more of a hassle when trying to disembark at Myrdal Station.
The train is fairly modern with cushioned seats, a restaurant car, and restrooms. Most of the seats face in the forward direction and there are four-person-group-facing-each-other seats too. These seat groups did have a table although it was T-I-N-Y. I sat at one of these and the table really only had space to hold drinks since it didn’t come out that far. It definitely did not provide ample table space for all four persons to utilize it.
You are able to get some food at the restaurant car which was announced on the speaker system numerous times during my trip. However I recommend bringing your own snacks or food to avoid paying high prices for the food onboard. There is a QR code you can scan to take a peek at the menu before heading to the restaurant car.

The Bergensbanen Train • photos by Jeanie A
Restroom Situation
There are restrooms on board the Bergen Railway train that are clearly marked and are located between each car. It is a train toilet so it’s not the best or cleanest but it does what it needs to do, lol. The toilet in my car had a button-flusher above the toilet where I needed to hold the button down for a few seconds for it to flush properly. When the light turns green then the flushing is complete. Note: don’t leave until it’s green so that you don’t leave a ..trace.. for the next person.
Bergen Railway Journey to Myrdal
The entire Bergen Railway connects the Norway capital city of Oslo to Norway’s west coastal city of Bergen. The full length is about 370 miles (~600 km) long, and the distance to Myrdal from Oslo is ~200 miles (~320 km). As mentioned, the full journey from Oslo to Myrdal will take about 5 hours. The train passes through a land shaped by ancient glaciers where you get an immersive ride through some of Norway’s most beautiful landscapes.
I sat on the right-hand side and saw grand valleys, pretty lakes, and colorful forests. I went in September so the tree-covered mountains were beautifully colored in green and yellows, with some starting to orange. There were numerous lakes with lakeside villages which made the picturesque scenery look extra charming. It was hard to not stare outside the window and just feel completely immersed in such a naturally beautiful country.

Views along the Bergensbanen Journey from Oslo to Myrdal • photos by Jeanie A
Arriving in Myrdal
After about 5 hours on the Bergen Railway, you’ll arrive at Myrdal! I immediately felt like I was in a remote location since there was nothing around us but mountains and forests! It almost seems like this small mountain station was the only thing for miles. Here, you’ll transfer to the Flam Railway for the next leg of your Norway rail adventure.
Part 2: The Flåm Railway – Myrdal to Flåm
The second leg of the journey is to take the Flam Railway from Myrdal to Flam. The Flam Railway, or Flåmsbana, has one of the steepest descents in the world! It goes down the mountain from Myrdal to the fjord village of Flam, descending about 2,820 feet (860 meters) in only 12 miles (20 km). The Flam Railway journey takes about 1 hour and is filled with breathtaking scenery. It really is no wonder why it’s considered one of the most scenic rail experiences in the world, sheesh!
Myrdal Train Station
Once you disembark the Bergen train, the platform you need to get to is directly ahead. There will be large white numbers painted on the platform ground where the Flamsbana train will stop. If you’re still uncertain then you can ask a station attendant that’s walking around. There is also a screen that says the next Flamsbana train departure time for additional certainty.
For me, my Bergensbanen train arrived at Myrdal at 1:04 PM and the Flamsbana Train was scheduled for a 1:24 PM departure. This may be enough time to use the restroom at the station, but if you want a good seat, then it’s best to line up right when you arrive at Myrdal. When lining up, wait at a “middle” number like 8 since the first board-able car might be at number 6 (it was for me). The first few cars seemed to be reserved for a group, which looked like a school group when I went. You can also try asking a station attendant what number to line up at in case they might know the arriving train’s car situation.

Myrdal Train Station & the Flamsbana Train Arriving • photos by Jeanie A
Flåm Train
Once the Flam train arrives, I immediately noticed how cute and historic-looking it is! It looks like a vintage train where some windows can slide downward so you can get a full breeze of the fresh mountain air during the journey.
The moment the train stopped, it was a bit of a ramble to board it, where large groups of people were just bottle-necking into the train door. The train cars are open seating so if you want a good view then I recommend trying to sit on the left-hand side facing forward down the hill (which is to the right when facing the train track). The right hand-side also has good views but I found most of the open valleys were on the left.
The interior of the train matches the exterior such that it looked charming and historic. All the seats were four-person-group-facing-each other type of seats. Some people kept their luggage with them at their seats, and there’s an overhead rack for luggage and bags as well. On my car, there were a few people who chose to stand with their luggage near the car entryway so they can prevent them from rolling around freely.
If you sit near any of the train entrances, there is a small screen that provides history and information about the surroundings during the ride. This is a great way to learn facts about the train, the railway’s history, and the surrounding areas as the train makes its way down to Flam.

Flamsbana Train • photos by Jeanie A
Flåm Railway Journey to Flåm
The Flam Railway is famous because of its steep descent down the mountain which you’ll notice immediately as the train departs Myrdal Station. I sat on the left-hand side where the views were never-ending! I saw huge deep valleys, running rivers, mountain-side waterfalls, and traditional Norwegian homes with grass-covered roofs. The views were simply amazing where it felt like I was touring through a Norwegian fairy tale.
I also sat towards the front of the train car, so I had a good view of the front screen that provided some history and information of the surrounding areas we were passing through. A neat treat we also got was a brief stop at the Kjosfossen waterfall. At this stop, you can get off the train onto a viewing platform for an up-close look of the waterfall. While here, it’s possible you’ll also spot a mythical forest spirit called “Huldra” (from Norwegian folklore). Loud music will begin to play and the spirit will dance along. This was such a nice and unique stop I wasn’t even expecting!

Views along the Flamsbana Journey from Myrdal to Flam (left-hand side) • photos by Jeanie A
Arriving in Flåm
After about an hour on the Flamsbana train, you’ll arrive at the fjord village of Flam! Flam is a picturesque fjord village with shops and local attractions like the Flam Railway Museum. There are also numerous activities you can do here such as hiking, fjord safari-ing, and scenic fjord cruising.
Once I disembarked the Flamsbana train, I immediately noticed the massive mountains surrounding the village! Then as I headed towards the frontend of the train to exit the train “platform”, the Aurlandsfjord appeared! The sights of the fjord and the distant hazy mountains along with the the surrounding towering mountains felt as if I walked into another world. Such a beautiful and peaceful little village.
After leaving the train station, I just needed to take a short walk to my hotel, the Fretheim Hotel! It is a historic hotel with a charming mix of contemporary and vintage design. It also has good breakfast and two restaurants with amazing views of the fjord directly in front of the hotel. I definitely recommend staying here while in Flam!

Flam Map & the Fretheim Hotel • photos by Jeanie A
Tips to Make the Most of Your Oslo to Flåm Train Adventure
1. Seasonal Changes
Based on which season you ride these Railways, the scenery will change drastically with the season. In winter, the landscape will be covered in snow, making a beautiful winter wonderland. In autumn, the landscape and tree foliage will turn to beautiful colors of red, orange, and yellow. I rode the train in the month of September, and the trees were green and yellow, and beginning to orange and red. It was so beautiful!
2. Ticket Reservations
It’s best to book tickets online and ahead of time. Doing this will bring peace of mind and ensure you have a guaranteed spot on both trains. This is especially helpful during peak tourist season where the trains may get full and sell out for your desired date. Additionally, do purchase both train tickets at the same time on the vy.no website where you can conveniently purchase both train tickets for the Oslo to Myrdal, and the Myrdal to Flam routes.
3. Arrive at the Oslo Train Station Early
Arriving at the Oslo Train Station early will ensure you have space for your luggage on the luggage racks. Be at the train platform 35-45 minutes before departure to snag a spot for them. If you don’t get a spot though, you can put your luggage in a neighboring car. However this may be inconvenient when trying to disembark at Myrdal Station. If you don’t mind where you sit on the Flamsbana train though, then this probably doesn’t matter.
4. Sit on the “Good” Side of the Train
To maximize scenic opportunities then sit on the good side of the train for the best views:
- Best side to sit on the Bergen Railway train from Oslo to Myrdal: LEFT-HAND SIDE facing the forward direction.
- Best side to sit on the Flam Railway train from Myrdal to Flam: LEFT-HAND SIDE facing forward in the direction going down the hill.
5. Prepare to Take Pictures
If you’re like me and love to capture memories to look back at, then prepare to take pictures and videos! Both trains pass so many beautiful views that it’s hard to not want to re-live them later. Of course, have a balance between looking at the scenery from behind a phone screen and admiring them with your own eyes as well.
6. Bring Snacks or Food
The food on the Bergenbanen train is a bit overpriced, which is expected for a popular train route. To avoid paying high prices, bring your own snacks or food you can enjoy on the 5 hour train ride. You can purchase something at the Oslo Train Station before boarding too! The Flamsbana train does not have food since it is a short 1 hour ride.
Final Words
The train adventure from Oslo to Flam is an iconic and majestic experience! Passing through some of Norway’s most beautiful landscapes with impressive mountains, stunning fjords, and amazing waterfalls, lakes and rivers, is a memory you’ll never forget. It’s no wonder that experiencing the Bergen Railway and Flam Railway is a must-do when in Norway, and I hope you add this route to your Norway itinerary. Bon Voyage!
Have you taken the Oslo to Flam Train Routes?
What was your experience like – Let me know in the comments below!
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